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Lazy Sustainability - Comprehensive Guide, the only book you need to be sustainable

Reverse Osmosis Filter vs Plastic Bottles vs Tap Water

01 Nov, 2023 498
Reverse Osmosis Filter vs Plastic Bottles vs Tap Water - Unimother

Reverse Osmosis Filter offers clean water for health and the environment, removing the negative impacts of tap and bottled water. Discover how superior an osmosis water filter is for your hydration needs and why you can even feel it in your pockets!

Lazy Sustainability Fundamental 

Do you want to live more sustainably without much effort? Reverse osmosis water filters are low-hanging fruits you can grab easily with gigantic long-term impacts on health and the environment. It removes plastic bottles, transportation, carrying water, heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and more from your water.

Reverse osmosis effectively removes up to 99.99% of 1000+ contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria, microplastics, chemicals(PFOA/PFOS), heavy metals (lead, arsenic, etc), TDS(nitrates and nitrites), chloride, fluoride, volatile organic compounds, etc.


Water is the most crucial thing after air humans need to survive. About 75% of the brain is water, and a fluctuation of just 2 percent can reduce functions.

Ensuring sufficient and clean water is essential for mental well-being and physical health.

So, what's an osmosis water filter? How does it make a difference? Read on to find out!


Saving Money, Time, Work, Medical Bills, Retarded Children

Clearly, using osmosis filters instead of buying bottled water can save you money and time. You would buy and transport it from the supermarket and also carry tons of water per year. Plus, water is super heavy, which means extra transport costs from the supermarket to your home using more gasoline to fuel your car. So, osmosis filters are a win for your wallet and the planet. Make the switch today! You'll be amazed at how great osmosis-filtered water tastes, and your pets will notice the difference, too.

Water filters also reduce the waste from plastic bottles and caps, and supermarkets require less logistics to transport bottled water to hydrate the people.

This calculation does not even consider how much money you save on medical bills for hospitals and psychologists in the long run and the money you make from mental clarity and focus as well as increased IQ and physical strength gained. We must also consider that our children will become more intelligent and stronger and what impact that would have on society in the long run when all people worldwide would benefit in the same way. 

What do you think would happen when we as a society became more healthy, intelligent, and physically fit? Comment down below.

Now, you might say I’m exaggerating. Read on, and I will prove it to you with facts and studies.

Cost Analysis of Using Osmosis Filters vs. Bottled Water.

Ditch the bottled water and go for an osmosis filter. It's way healthier, economical, and environmentally friendly. This calculation does not even include the unpaid hours of waiting in line, being a water carrier, and an Uber driver while also having to pay fuel for all that. Let's have a look at the cost difference. Here's a table:

Time Period

Cost of Osmosis Filters (USD)

Cost of Bottled Water (USD)

Plastic Bottles + Caps + Cap Rings + Label Foils

1 Month




6 Months




1 Year




The lifespan of the reverse osmosis membrane typically ranges from two to five years. On the other hand, the accompanying filters in the RO system usually require replacement earlier. Pre-filters for the RO system typically have a duration of six months to a year, but this can vary based on the water conditions in your region. Primarily, the chlorine affects the activated carbon and will destroy the silicate membrane if the carbon is saturated. A high mineral content will clog the membrane faster, and lastly, your filter change frequency will depend on how much water you filter and what water you have.

For calculation purposes, I just used the prices for dirtier water with high filter change frequency.

Also, notice the price for an osmosis filter gets cheaper when you use more water because bigger models can filter more water through one filter's lifecycle.

The calculation is based on one person consuming ½ gallon per day per person. The average Single-Use Water Bottle holds a volume of 16.9 oz (500 mL) and costs $1.50 each.

Taste and Purity: Differences Between Osmosis Filtered Water and Bottled Water.

Researching the quality differences between osmosis-filtered and bottled water will help us understand their impact on taste and purity. Examining factors like mineral content, impurities, and taste profiles will give us a deeper insight.

Below is a comparison table for the main distinctions:


Osmosis Filtered Water

Bottled Water

Mineral Content

Reduced minerals for more control over minerals and hydration separately

Varies by brand, but usually high in Calcium and lower in many other essential micronutrients


Removes harmful contaminants, drugs, pesticides, heavy metals, chemicals, and many other pollutions

It may have heavy metals, chemicals, and many other pollutions, plastic leaching over long time


Refreshing taste, no unpleasant aftertaste. Your body and pets will know what’s good, given the choice.

Taste varies by source, brand, and bottle, but tainted taste by plastic and impurities 

Osmosis-filtered water has a cleaner taste due to its reduced mineral content. This lets your body regulate how much water and minerals it needs. You may find yourself drinking more water due to its better taste.

To make the most of your water-drinking experience, consider these tips:

  1. Use osmosis filters at home. This means you can access clean water without relying solely on bottled water.
  2. Try different bottled water brands. This helps you find a taste that suits your preferences and meets quality standards if osmosis filters are no option for you.
  3. Invest in reusable glass bottles. This helps reduce plastic waste and promotes sustainability and health. Beware of reusing glass bottles with metal caps, as the aluminum or steel wears off in small amounts on repeated use and causes Alzheimer-like symptoms and less addiction control.

These tips help maintain a consistent supply of water, reduce reliance on single-use plastics, and find a preferred taste. Osmosis water filters are like having a personal hydration bodyguard so that you can drink clean water like a superhero!

How does an Osmosis Water Filter work?

A simple osmosis water filter is a great way to purify your drinking water. It works with either cellulose acetate or polysulfone coated with an aromatic polyamide membrane and prefiltered with activated carbon filter technology to remove impurities and contaminants. Here's how:

Booster Pump (Optional)

Increases the water pressure to filter the water source without the required water pressure to operate the osmosis filter. 

Preliminary Filtration:

Larger particles like sediment and debris are filtered out.

Activated Carbon Adsorption:

Organic compounds, chlorine, and other reactive chemicals that may harm the membrane are adsorbed by the carbon, which also improves the taste and odor of the water.

Membrane Filtration:

Removes up to 99.9% of contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, chemicals, microplastics, hormones like birth control, and heavy metals are trapped by a semi-permeable membrane with microscopic pores.

Permeate Pump (Optional)

Uses retentate to power a hydraulic pump, which increases the effectiveness of the osmosis filter, which increases flow rate and permeate to rentate water ratio when using pressurized water tanks.

Remineralization (Optional):

The purified water may go through remineralization to restore some essential minerals.

Storage Tank For Permeate Water

Osmosis filter releases water slowly. Bigger water tanks can extend the time between filtering cycles. Most tanks release some chemicals into the water, so post-carbon filtering is recommended.

Storage Tank For Reject Water (Optional)

Brine water can be used for toilet flushing, pre-car wash water, or cleaning dishes. It shouldn’t be used for plant watering or washing machines because of its high mineral content.

Potable Pump for Stored Water (Optional)

Moves water from your storage tank to the faucet or other connections. You can also set the storage tank higher and use gravity to fill glass bottles.

Activated Carbon Post Filter (Optional)

Refines the water by removing any tastes or odors it may have acquired from the storage tank or water pump. Specifically, systems lacking the Artesian Full Contact technology produce acidic water that can leach compounds from the rubber in the storage tank, which this final filter effectively eliminates.

UV Light Post Treatment (Optional)

A UV filter eliminates microorganisms, while specific filters target and remove residual amounts of contaminants such as nitrates, arsenic, fluoride, and ions through deionization.



Health Benefits of Using Osmosis Water Filters: Clean Water and Its Impacts.

Using Osmosis Water Filters offers many health benefits. It filters out impurities and contaminants, eliminating harmful substances and preventing adverse health effects from contaminated tap and bottled water. Moreover, osmosis water filters prevent the formation of kidney stones, cancer, and preterm birth and increase the IQ and strength of you and your children. This is because they remove calcium deposits, heavy metals, and many chemical pollutants currently in our environment. In addition, they provide clean and mineral-free water to promote better overall health and sustainability.

For a long time, people believed that tap or bottled water was enough to stay hydrated and get all essential minerals. However, it was later found that these waters lack most of the 13 minerals required for optimal mineralization. Plus, it helps our body get sufficient hydration, and we can add minerals with food and supplements as required. Therefore, we don’t have to rely on “minerals”(=calcium) from tap or mineral water, which lacks many minerals and has a worse water quality than most tap waters while costing 1000 times more and being very environmentally damaging.

Osmosis water filters offer clean and contamination-free water for improved health while being cheaper and environmentally friendly. Truly Lazy Sustainability

The Essential 13 Minerals for Health

There are thirteen vital minerals necessary for maintaining optimal health. Not having enough of these can lead to significant health challenges. Consider having too many of one mineral can block other essential minerals. Once absorbed into our bodies, heavy metals will block the adsorption and synthesis of certain minerals and metabolic processes.

  1. Calcium: Fundamental for strong bones and teeth, calcium aids in muscle contraction, blood clotting, nerve activity, cellular signals, and metabolic regulation. A lack of calcium can lead to fragile bones. Foods like milk, dairy items, cashews, dates, broccoli, parsley, and leafy greens are rich in calcium.
  2. Sodium: Vital for muscle function, nerve impulses, and fluid regulation in the body. The main dietary source is table salt, but it's crucial to consume it in moderation. Beware of ready meals and fast food, which have high amounts of sodium, to increase taste and durability.
  3. Potassium: It's essential for fluid balance, muscle function, nerve activity, and brain health. A potassium shortage can lead to irregular heart rhythms, edema, and brain issues. Foods like bananas, sweet potatoes, avocados, beets, and dates are potassium-rich.
  4. Chloride: Paired with sodium, chloride ensures fluid balance and aids in digestion. Good sources include table salt, tomatoes, celery, and lettuce.
  5. Magnesium: This mineral involves numerous enzyme reactions and supports DNA and antioxidant synthesis. You can find magnesium in green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
  6. Phosphorous: Essential for bone and teeth health, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Meats, poultry, beans, nuts, seeds, and dairy are phosphorus-rich.
  7. Iodine: This mineral is vital for thyroid hormone production and is essential for metabolism, development, and growth. Deficiencies can lead to growth issues and metabolic disorders. Iodized salt is a primary source.
  8. Iron: Necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, which oxygenates our blood. A lack of iron can lead to reduced oxygen in cells. Foods like leafy greens, beef, chicken, and pork are iron-rich.
  9. Zinc: Important for cell division, immunity, and healing. Foods like oysters, red meat, poultry, beans, nuts, and grains are packed with zinc.
  10. Copper: This mineral is essential for energy creation and iron absorption. You can find copper in chocolate, liver, shellfish, and whole grains.
  11. Manganese: It plays a role in breaking down proteins, carbs, and cholesterol. Foods like whole grains, nuts, and soybeans are manganese-rich.
  12. Sulfur: Known for its antibacterial properties, sulfur combats skin bacteria and assists in DNA repair. Seafood, legumes, and especially soybeans are good sulfur sources.
  13. Selenium: This mineral fights cell oxidative damage and is key for thyroid hormone metabolism. Brazil nuts, seafood, and organ meats are rich in selenium.

How can I ensure that I have sufficient amounts of these minerals?

You can ensure a sufficient amount of essential minerals by eating food that contains these minerals in high amounts, like seafood, seeds, and nuts. Growing food with rock dust that contains all essential nutrients ensures excellent taste and health. Additionally, to healthy food, you can also supplement a mineral mix that contains all those minerals. 

Rock dust is used as a mineral supplement in livestock feed for all vertebrates and improves the fertility and well-being of the animals. Studies indicate using rock dust in feed improves bird size and resistance to disease in chickens. 

For enhancing the mineral content in feed mixtures, it's generally advised to incorporate rock dust at a rate of 0.25%, which is equivalent to 5 pounds for every ton of the total feed mix. However, it's important not to exceed a maximum inclusion rate of 2%.

Right now, I’m experimenting with consuming rock dust directly to get all these minerals and feel great. I will report on the result in an extra blog post.

By consuming osmosis water filtered from the tap, you can save money, which can be used to buy a nice tombstone.

Problem of Bottled Water

Bottled Water: A Significant Environmental Problem.

  1. Extracting water for bottling can steal from local communities and ecosystems, leading to water scarcity.
  2. Transporting bottled water causes carbon emissions and adds to the environmental burden.
  3. Pay more for lesser quality than tap water.
  4. Producing plastic or glass bottles creates waste that pollutes landfills and oceans.
  5. The quality of bottled water is less regulated than tap water, resulting in lower quality.
  6. Inflated prices of bottled water often exploit consumers while generating excess profit for corporations.
  7. Plastic releases microplastics and plasticizers and leaches other chemicals into the water.
  8. In 2018, the producer revenue of bottled water in the United States alone amounted to approximately 18 billion U.S. dollars.

Tap water may surprise you - will it hydrate you or grant you superpowers?

The Problem of Tap Water

Studies show that tap water has issues with health and sustainability. Sewage treatment plants cannot filter out drugs like painkillers, cancer therapy, estrogen from birth control, heavy metals, pesticides, and pollutants. Thus, after treatment, many chemical pollutants still contaminate the water. There are also worries about the effects of chlorinated water and fluoride in tap water on our well-being. There appears to be epidemiological evidence between long-term exposure to chlorinated water and a rise in the risk of bladder cancer and also affecting reproduction like small for gestational age (SGA)/intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and preterm delivery, while evidence for other outcomes such as low birth weight (LBW), stillbirth, congenital anomalies, and semen quality seem to be inconsistent.

Transform your tap water into pure refreshment! An osmosis water filter can work wonders at removing all kinds of pollutants and contaminants.


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Simple Reverse Osmosis Filter without Remineralisation:


  • Geekpure 4 Stage Portable Aquarium Reverse Osmosis RO Drinking Water Filtration System 100 GPD - with Deionization DI Filter TDS to 0


  • Waterdrop G2P600 Reverse Osmosis System, NSF/ANSI 372 Certified, 600 GPD Reverse Osmosis Water Filter, 7 Stage Tankless RO Water Filter System, Under Sink RO System, 2:1 Pure to Drain, Reduce PFAS


  • iSpring RO800G Tankless Reverse Osmosis System, 800 GPD High Capacity Under Sink, TDS Reduction Tankless Water Filtration System with Brushed Nickel Faucet



Simple Reverse Osmosis Filter without Remineralisation + Pressurized Tank


  • iSpring RCC7, NSF Certified, High Capacity Under Sink 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis Drinking Filtration System, 75 GPD, Brushed Nickel Faucet



Consider a Multi Minerals Supplement that contain all 13 essential trace minerals to cover your daily requirements


  • Dr. Berg Trace Minerals Enhanced Complex - Complete with 70+ Nutrient-Dense Health Minerals - Made w/Natural Ingredients - Dietary Supplements - 60 Capsules


  • MAJU 4-in-1 Organic Sea Moss Capsules, Wild Chondrus Crispus, Seamoss w/Bladderwrack + Burdock Root, Stronger Than Gel, Irish, Sebi Inspired Raw Powder in Pills, 500 mg Capsule (60 ct)


  • TrueSeaMoss Wildcrafted Irish Sea Moss Gel – Nutritious Organic Raw Seamoss Rich in Minerals, Proteins & Vitamins – Antioxidant Health Supplement, Vegan-Friendly Made in USA (Original, Pack of 1)


  • Shilajit Pure Himalayan Organic Shilajit Resin - 600mg Maximum Potency Natural Organic Shilajit Resin with 85+ Trace Minerals & Fulvic Acid for Energy, Immune Support, 30 Grams (1 Pack)



Reverse Osmosis Filter + Remineralisation


  • iSpring RCC7AK, NSF Certified 75 GPD, Alkaline 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System, pH+ Remineralization RO Water Filter System Under Sink, Superb Taste Drinking Water Filter


  • Frizzlife RO Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System - 600 GPD High Flow, Tankless, Reduce TDS, Compact, Alkaline Mineral PH, 1.5:1 Drain Ratio, USA Tech Support, PD600-TAM3


  • Bevilt RO Water Filtration System,800 GPD Fast Flow, Tankless,Reduces TDS,2:1 Pure to Drain RO Composite Filters Long Life Used for 48-60 Months.



Reverse Osmosis Filter + Remineralisation + Pressurized Tank


  • iSpring PH100 pH+ 6-Stage Under Sink Reverse Osmosis RO Drinking Water Filtration System 100 GPD Fast Flow 1:1 Pure to Waste Ratio with Alkaline Remineralization, US Made Filters



Reverse Osmosis Filter + Remineralisation + Pressurized Tank + Permeate Pump


  • Home Master TMAFC-ERP Artesian Full Contact Reverse Osmosis System, 7-Stages, Patented 2-Pass Alkaline Remineralization, Fast 4.5s Fill Rate, 1:1 Waste Ratio, 8.5” Catalytic Carbon, 5-Yr Limited Parts



Reverse Osmosis Filter + Remineralisation + Pressurized Tank + Booster Pump


  • iSpring RCC7P-AK 6-Stage Reverse Osmosis System Under Sink with Alkaline Water Filter and Pump, pH+, 75 GPD, TDS Reduction, RO Drinking Water Filtration System



Replacement Filter for Reverse Osmosis Filter


  • iSpring F7-GAC for Standard 5-Stage Reverse Osmosis RO Systems 1-Year Replacement Supply Filter Cartridge Pack Set, 7 Count (Pack of 1), White

Booster Pump (Optional):

  • Mechanism: Utilizes a combination of diaphragm and electric motor to amplify pressure.
  • Maintenance: Over time, the diaphragm may wear out and require replacement. Regularly check for signs of reduced efficiency.


Preliminary Filtration:

  • Varieties: Apart from sediment filters, there are pleated, spun, or string-wound variants catering to different water qualities.
  • Micron Rating: Filters come in different micron ratings, indicating the size of particles they can block. A lower micron rating denotes finer filtration.


Activated Carbon Adsorption:

Activated charcoal has been used for its ability to filter water naturally. Its porous nature allows it to bind with various contaminants, including toxins, drugs, viruses, bacteria, fungi, and a range of chemicals, much like it absorbs substances in the gastrointestinal system.

In industrial settings, like waste management facilities, activated carbon granules are a common choice for a stage of the water purification process. Additionally, there are numerous water filtration devices available for residential use that employ carbon cartridges to cleanse water from toxins and other harmful substances. This is important to know because the skin and oral mucosa can absorb drugs, chemicals, chlorine, and fluoride. Especially when exposed to it on a daily basis. Therefore, consider filtering your shower and bathroom water with activated carbon to limit exposure to those toxins.

Whole House Activated Carbon Filter to prevent chlorine and flouride adsorption through the skin and mucous membrane:

  • AO Smith Whole House Water Filter System - Whole Home Filtration for Well & City Water - Filters 96.9% of Chlorine Taste & Odor - 6 yr, 600,000 Gl, AO-WH-Filter

  • Waterdrop Whole House Water Filter System, with Carbon Filter and Sediment Filter, 5-Stage Filtration, Highly Reduce Lead, Chlorine, Odor and Taste, 2-Stage 5 Micron WD-WHF21-PG, 1" Inlet/Outlet

  • SimPure Whole House Water Filter Housing (DB10P), 10" x 4.5" Sediment Carbon Filter Universal Housing, Pre-Filtration System for Well and City Water, 1" NPT Port, Pressure Release

  • iSpring WGB22B 2-Stage Whole House Water Filtration System with 20” x 4.5” Fine Sediment and Carbon Block Filters, Removes 99% of Chlorine

  • WHB20 20"x4.5" Whole House Water Filter Housing, Fit Sediment etc Filters for Well and City Water, Big Filter Blue Pre-Filtration System for Home, 1" NPT Port, Pressure Release


Research from 2015 has indicated that carbon-based water filtration systems can be highly effective. For instance, in the study, such systems eliminated up to 100 percent of fluoride present in 32 samples of water that were not filtered, demonstrating this result after the systems had been operating for six months.

  • Types: Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and Block Activated Carbon (BAC) are primary forms. BAC usually offers finer filtration than GAC.
  • Lifespan: Over time, the carbon gets saturated and loses its adsorption ability. Regularly scheduled replacements are vital to protect the membrane.

Activated Carbon Usage Besides Water Filtration

Activated charcoal is a versatile substance approved by the World Health Organization for the emergency treatment of poisonings and overdoses. Its powerful toxin-absorbing properties have led to its suggestion for various health issues, although large-scale studies to establish its full benefits are lacking. Despite this, some over-the-counter products include activated charcoal, capitalizing on its chemical properties.

Here are some potential uses of activated charcoal, with varying scientific support:

  1. Kidney Health: It may help the kidneys by clearing out toxins, particularly those related to urea. Some studies on animals suggest that it could improve kidney function and reduce inflammation in chronic kidney disease.
  2. Intestinal Gas: Activated charcoal might alleviate intestinal gas by trapping gas-causing substances. Some studies have found it may improve symptoms seen on ultrasound examinations of abdominal organs.
  3. Diarrhea: As an absorbent, activated charcoal might trap bacteria and diarrhea-causing substances, making it a potential treatment option. It appears to have fewer side effects compared to traditional medications for diarrhea.
  4. Teeth Whitening and Oral Health: Despite its presence in many whitening products, there is limited evidence to support the effectiveness and safety of activated charcoal for teeth whitening or oral health.
  5. Skin Care: Activated charcoal may help remove skin impurities, making it easier to cleanse the skin.
  6. Deodorant: Its potential to absorb odors and moisture makes activated charcoal a candidate for underarm deodorants, as well as for use in shoes and refrigerators.
  7. Skin Infections: Traditionally, activated charcoal has been used to treat skin infections, with some evidence suggesting it can absorb harmful bacteria from wounds.

Medical applications include its use in emergency rooms to manage overdoses or poisonings, by binding to various substances to prevent their absorption. However, it doesn’t work for all types of toxins, and its effectiveness is time-sensitive, often within 1 to 4 hours of ingestion. It’s crucial to seek professional medical help rather than attempting home treatment for serious poisonings or overdoses.


Membrane Filtration:

Reverse osmosis (RO) membranes are critical components in the desalination and purification of water. The selection of a specific type of RO membrane depends on the application, water source, and desired outcome. Here are the primary types of RO membranes:

  • Cellulose Triacetate (CTA) Membrane:
    • Made from cellulose and is chlorine-tolerant.
    • More prone to bacterial fouling.
    • Typically rejects around 93% of common contaminants.
  • Thin Film Composite (TFC) or Thin Film Material (TFM) Membrane:
    • Constructed from synthetic material, commonly polyamide.
    • More efficient with a rejection rate of around 98% of typical contaminants.
    • Highly sensitive to chlorine, requiring carbon pre-filters for chlorinated water sources.
    • Generally offers better flow rates and lasts longer than CTA membranes.
  • Hollow Fiber (HF) Membrane:
    • Comprises tiny tubes or fiber strands.
    • Water flows either inside the tubes and exits around the outside (inside-out) or vice versa (outside-in).
    • Less commonly used for RO but more prevalent in ultrafiltration.
  • Plate and Frame Membrane:
    • Comprises flat sheets of membrane material held between a series of frames and plates.
    • Less commonly used due to its bulky nature, but it can be efficient for specific applications.
  • Spiral Wound Membrane:
    • Made by wrapping flat sheets of membrane material around a central tube in a spiral fashion.
    • Most common design for commercial and industrial RO systems due to its compactness and high surface area.
  • Tubular Membrane:
    • Tube-like and allows feed water to pass through the interior of the tubes.
    • Less prone to fouling, making them suitable for waters with high suspended solids.
  • Brackish Water Membranes:
    • Designed for water sources with low to medium salinity, such as groundwater and surface water.
  • Seawater Membranes:
    • Specifically designed to treat high salinity waters like seawater. They are built to withstand challenging conditions and high pressures of desalination processes.
  • Low Energy/ Low Pressure Membranes:
    • Developed to operate at lower pressures, making them more energy-efficient. Suitable for lightly contaminated water sources.
  • High Rejection Membranes:
  • Designed to reject a high percentage of contaminants, ideal for applications that require very pure water.

The choice of membrane type largely depends on the water source, the contaminants present, the desired quality of the treated water, and the specific application of the RO system.


  • Material: Most modern RO membranes are made of Thin Film Composite (TFC) because of their superior contaminant rejection and durability.
  • Flushing: Periodic flushing of the membrane can extend its life by preventing scaling and fouling.


Permeate Pump (Optional):

  • Type: Typically non-electric and powered by the hydraulic energy of the reject water to inject permeate water into a pressure tank, reducing overall power consumption of the RO system.
  • Efficiency: It can recover an average of 80% more water while reducing wastage and increasing membrane lifespan.

Enhanced Membrane Performance for Superior Water Quality

The Permeate Pump in Reverse Osmosis systems mitigates the decrease in membrane efficiency caused by back pressure from the storage tank. Creating a separation between the tank's back pressure and the household water supply ensures consistent high pressure across the RO membrane, leading to optimal TDS reduction, improved water quality, and prolonged membrane lifespan.

Faster Tank Refill Rates

A Reverse Osmosis system equipped with a Permeate Pump can refill its pressurized storage tank up to 50% faster than standard RO systems. The pump counteracts the typical slowdown in water production that occurs as tank pressure increases, allowing a membrane rated at 50 gallons per day to produce nearly 75 gallons.

Significantly Reduced Wastewater and Enhanced System Longevity

Incorporating a Permeate Pump into a Reverse Osmosis system not only conserves water by reducing waste by up to 80% but also promotes the longevity of the system's components. This eco-friendly, non-electric solution minimizes the volume of water processed, resulting in less wear and a greener operation overall.


Remineralization (Optional):

  • Materials: Typically uses calcite or a blend of calcite and corosex to add calcium and magnesium back into the water.
  • Balance: Ensures pH balance, preventing potential leaching from plumbing.


Storage Tank For Permeate Water:

  • Bladder: Inside, a food-grade bladder keeps the water pressurized. Over time, this bladder can lose its elasticity and might need replacement.
  • Sanitization: Regular sanitization prevents microbial growth inside the tank.


Storage Tank Reject Water (Optional):

  • Salinity: The reject water has a high salt concentration, which might make it unsuitable for certain applications like plant watering or washing machines.
  • Recycling: Great for reject-water-powered toilet flushing, aiming to use this in a holistically sustainable home, minimizing wastage.

An IBC Tank is a great option for brine water storage. To save money, buy second-hand from your local area.

Potable Pump for Stored Water (Optional):

  • Types: Can be diaphragm-based or have a small electric pump, depending on the system.
  • Energy Consumption: While it does use energy, it ensures consistent flow rates from the storage tank.


Activated Carbon Post Filter (Optional):

  • Function: Also referred to as "polishing" filters, they ensure any residual tastes or compounds are removed.
  • Replacement: Given their position as the last line of defense, regular checks and timely replacements are crucial.


UV light Post Treatment (Optional):

  • Spectrum: Operates at the 254 nm wavelength, lethal to microbes.
  • Quartz Sleeve: The UV bulb is encased in a quartz sleeve to keep it from making contact with water, which must be cleaned periodically to ensure effective UV transmission.


Each component's specifics can vary based on the manufacturer and the specific needs of the installation. Regular maintenance and periodic checks ensure optimal performance and longevity of the system.

Osmosis technology efficiently purifies tap, well, and rainwater using regular household water pressure. It demands a higher pressure when overcoming the osmotic pressure of water with high minerals, mainly calcium, in your source water.

Using a simple osmosis water filter gives lots of health benefits, like more intelligence and strength. 

Osmosis filter provides mineral-free water, which can be beneficial for controlling what minerals you want to consume in your diet and how much water you want to drink. It removes most chemicals, heavy metals, and drugs present in tap and bottled water, avoiding plastic leaches and microplastics that cause cancer, a variety of diseases, weakness, constant pain, and even addictions.

For greater sustainability, reuse wastewater for non-potable purposes like flushing toilets or cleaning. Remineralizing the filtered water restores essential minerals for extra health benefits. You can also consume the minerals directly, which is the preferred approach because you have more control over what minerals you consume. Investing in a simple osmosis water filter is excellent for personal health and sustainability! Plus, it saves you lots of money, time, and water carrying in the long term. You also have to visit the doctor less often, which can be a lot of money.

Reverse Osmosis Filter vs Other Membrane Filtration Methods

Membrane Filtration is a technique used to separate or remove particles from a liquid using a semipermeable membrane. The water entering this process is known as the 'Feed Stream', while the liquid that passes through the membrane is called the 'Permeate'. The remaining liquid with retained particles is termed the 'Retentate'.

Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration 

Microfiltration (MF) primarily focuses on removing larger particles and is often used as a pretreatment for other filtration methods. Ultrafiltration (UF) operates at a level between MF and NF, targeting smaller particles and larger molecules, making it suitable for applications like protein separation and virus removal.

Reverse Osmosis and Nanofiltration

Two primary types of Membrane Filtration used for drinking water are Reverse Osmosis (RO) and Nanofiltration (NF). Though they appear similar and both operate based on hydraulic pressure, they have distinct differences:

Reverse Osmosis (RO) vs. Nanofiltration (NF):


  • Functionality: RO is designed to filter out even the smallest solute molecules like salt, making it preferred for applications requiring complete purification. NF, on the other hand, is designed to retain beneficial nutrients and is more efficient in removing hardness-causing ions and most contaminants from water.


  • Applications: RO is widely used in industries ranging from desalination to wastewater treatment in sectors like petrochemical, food processing, and municipal wastewater. NF is gaining attention for water softening and removing contaminants from drinking water. It's also efficient for treating wastewater for reuse purposes.


  • Operating Principle: While both processes use pressure, NF operates at lower pressures than RO. RO provides a higher level of purification but at the cost of higher energy consumption. NF, being a looser version of RO, requires less energy.


In conclusion, while both RO and NF are membrane filtration processes, they serve different purposes based on their filtration capabilities and energy requirements. RO is ideal for absolute water purification, whereas NF is better suited for tasks that don't need the complete removal of dissolved solids but require less energy.


Osmosis Filter Systems Maintenance Check

Reverse osmosis (RO) systems are powerful, but their filters don't last indefinitely. Regular maintenance is essential to ensure you're drinking pure RO water. An RO system typically has three or four stages: sediment pre-filter, carbon pre-filter, the RO membrane, and an optional carbon post-filter for stored water. Each filter needs periodic replacement, with frequency depending on your water consumption.

RO Filter Lifespan

For instance, larger households may need to change filters more frequently. The RO membrane usually lasts between two and five years. However, other filters may need replacement every six months to a year, depending on your local water quality. It's advisable to change the sediment filter and carbon pre-filter at least annually, but the amount of household water usage can affect this timeline. The carbon post-filter will last longer, normally 1 to 2 years, and you can notice it’s time when the water changes its taste.

To increase the RO membrane's life span, flush your system for 2 - 5 minutes after usage.


Indicators Of Filter Replacement Need

Even though there are no signs to know that the carbon or sediment filter is saturated, the RO membrane will still filter out the contaminants, but over short or long, the membrane will either block or get damaged. So, keep track of when you must change the pre-filters in your calendar. 

If you're uncertain about filter replacement, here are some signs:

  1. Water Pressure: Reduced water pressure indicates a filter change is overdue. While RO faucets won't have extremely high pressure, the flow should still be consistent.
  2. Taste: RO water filters out contaminants, giving it a distinct taste free from metals, minerals, and chlorine. If you detect a chlorine or mineral taste, it's time to replace the carbon and RO membrane filters. Aim for an annual replacement to maintain optimal water quality.
  3. Water Test: A simple aquarium water test strip can show you when to change the membrane. There is also a TDS(=Total Dissolved Solids) Meter to test the permeate water. When you see an increase in hardness or any other water parameters tested, you know it’s time to replace your filter.

Be the force behind clean water for all!



The Long-Term Health Impacts: Comparing Regular Consumption of Filtered vs. Tap and Bottled Water.

The long-term health effects of regularly drinking osmosis-filtered versus bottled water can be analyzed by looking at the contaminants currently in our drinking water

Bottled Water vs Tap Water

Several laboratory tests by the Environmental Working Group revealed that ten renowned bottled water brands in the U.S. contain a cocktail of 38 various contaminants. These include bacteria, fertilizers, Tylenol, and industrial chemicals, with some concentrations comparable or worse to those found in tap water. Bottled water also contains bisphenol A and phthalates.

Testing standards for bottled water, regulated separately by the Food and Drug Administration, are lower than for tap water.

Industrial and Agricultural Contamination

Both industrial and agricultural sectors generate significant amounts of harmful waste. Chemicals like organic solvents, petroleum derivatives, and heavy metals from dumping grounds or storage areas can seep into underground water sources. Additionally, rain or snowmelt can transport pesticides and fertilizers into rivers and lakes or allow them to seep into underground reservoirs.

Fracking and Drinking Water Pollution

Also, mining processes like fracking have tremendous health-damaging effects by contaminating enormous amounts of drinking water with shale gas to extract oil. 

Shale Gas Development and Drinking Water Contamination

The link between shale gas development and reproductive health can have further implications, including affecting future educational outcomes. Additionally, there's an increased likelihood of childhood asthma flare-ups, a heightened risk of heart attacks, and a rise in opioid-related fatalities.

Adverse Birth Outcomes Tied to Drilling Activity

Preterm birth and low birth weight were measured – before, during, and after drilling activity - and increased after drilling.  Preterm birth and low birth weight are associated with a range of adverse outcomes, including a higher risk of developing behavioral and social-emotional problems and learning difficulties.

Regulation Gaps: Only a Fraction of Over 1,100 Shale Gas Contaminants are Monitored in Drinking Water

Research has indicated higher concentrations of chemicals linked to fracking in surface water. This includes the presence of hazardous volatile organic compounds seeping into groundwater that supplies city water systems. Only 29 out of more than 1,100 shale gas contaminants are regulated in drinking water. Such results suggest significant social implications in the future due to water contamination. 

Sewage Systems Treatment

Human and animal excrement is another water contamination source. Waste from sewage, septic systems, animal farms, and even wildlife can introduce harmful microorganisms into potable water.

The Risk of Diseases from Harmful Microbes in Water

Consuming water with harmful microbes can lead to various illnesses. While severe waterborne diseases like typhoid or cholera are uncommon in the U.S., other conditions caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites can lead to symptoms like stomach discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Some infectious diseases, like hepatitis, can also stem from contaminated water. Such illnesses can be particularly severe for those with weakened immune systems, such as children, the elderly, or individuals with conditions like cancer or AIDS.

Even though the use of chlorine stops most of those harmful microorganisms, chlorine use is not risk-free.

Chlorine May Cause Cancer and Reproduction Problems 

Treatment processes can eliminate numerous pollutants, but the chlorine used for disinfection reacts with natural organic matter and may also produce byproducts like trihalomethanes, which could be detrimental as they are associated with cancer and adverse reproduction outcomes. Furthermore, water can get tainted after distribution due to issues like pipe breaches or corrosion from plumbing materials such as lead or copper, and many people nowadays take drugs chronically, which leaves the body intact and can’t be filtered out by sewage treatment systems.

Health Issues

If contaminants in drinking water exceed safe levels, they can lead to health issues ranging from gastrointestinal disorders, nervous system, or reproductive effects to chronic diseases like cancer. The impact on health depends on the nature and concentration of the contaminant, individual vulnerabilities, water consumption, and exposure duration.

Impact of Chemical Exposure in Drinking Water

Chemical exposure in drinking water can have varied health impacts. High doses can result in skin changes or more severe issues like organ damage, nervous system effects, or developmental challenges. Prolonged exposure to lower doses might result in chronic conditions, including cancer. The full effects of specific contaminants remain unclear.



Fluoride can disrupt bone formation by interfering with magnesium and calcium in bones and teeth. This disruption is more severe in cases of malnutrition or deficiencies in calcium and magnesium. Chronic fluoride consumption can also be linked to high potassium levels in the blood, potentially leading to heart issues. While many studies have explored the connection between fluoride and cancer, most haven't found a significant link. In 1987, the International Agency for Research on Cancer stated that fluoride's link to cancer was unclear. However, some studies suggest there is a connection between fluoride ingestion and certain cancers, like uterine, bladder, and osteosarcoma. More research is needed in this area.


The Potential Effects of Fluoride on Children's Intelligence and Cognitive Growth

A study combining 27 research pieces, mainly from China, by the Harvard School of Public Health and China Medical University in Shenyang, indicated that fluoride might negatively impact children's cognitive development. Almost all the studies showed that high fluoride levels in water could hinder cognitive growth. The average decrease in IQ was about 7 points. Even if this effect wasn't statistically significant in individual cases, the collective impact on populations is substantial.

Fluoride and Thyroid Function

Another major concern is the effect of fluoride on the thyroid gland. In a 2005 study in New Delhi, nearly half of the children in an area with higher fluoride water levels showed signs of clinical hypothyroidism due to fluoride. Fluoride can interfere with thyroid function by competing with iodine and hindering the production of essential thyroid hormones. This interference is why high fluoride doses can treat hyperthyroidism. The impact of fluoride on the thyroid is likely more pronounced in areas where iodine deficiency is common. In Australia, for instance, there's a mild iodine deficiency in the general population. Research has shown that in areas with iodine deficiency, even moderate fluoride levels in water (like 0.9 ppm) can lead to intellectual deficits in children.


90% of Babies in the US in Danger of Fluoride Toxicity

In the US, a study discovered that 90% of 3-month-old babies consumed fluoride beyond the recommended limits, with some even consuming levels deemed unsafe by the Environmental Protection Agency and the WHO. A UK study found that certain teas, when brewed for just 2 minutes, contained fluoride levels surpassing daily recommended amounts. While fluoride in saliva is believed to benefit teeth, its concentration is much lower than ingested fluoride. Dental decay primarily arises from bacterial infections influenced by various factors, including diet, oral hygiene, access to dental care, and nutrition. Although fluoride can help prevent cavities in well-nourished children, it might increase the risk of malnourished ones. Fluoride can also make teeth more brittle, an effect observed in studies since 1933. This brittleness is more pronounced when teeth are exposed to industrial fluoride sources like sodium fluoride than natural sources like calcium fluoride.


Dental and Skeletal Fluorosis from Fluoride Intake

Fluoride's most noticeable effect is dental fluorosis. When fluoride levels are exceptionally high, or there's prolonged consumption at 2 ppm or more, skeletal fluorosis can occur. This condition is a chronic bone disease caused by taking in or breathing in large quantities of fluoride. In areas with water fluoride levels over 2 ppm or among workers exposed to fluoride in specific industries, skeletal fluorosis is common. 


The Visible and Internal Impacts of Prolonged Fluoride Consumption

Symptoms include joint pain, numbness in limbs, back pain, and deformities like knock-knees. It can also lead to spinal cord compression due to changes in the spine. Interestingly, increased bone mass from fluoride doesn't mean more robust bones. High fluoride doses can even raise the risk of certain fractures.


Porosity caused by Fluoride

Dental fluorosis is similar to skeletal fluorosis in its formation. As the severity of dental fluorosis increases, there's a corresponding increase in tooth porosity. Although this would suggest a higher risk of tooth decay, research results are inconsistent. There's no definitive safe fluoride intake level to prevent dental fluorosis, but levels above 0.3 ppm have been linked to tooth discoloration. Over time, as fluoride sources have diversified, including dental products and certain foods, the average fluoride intake has risen, leading to an increase in fluorosis worldwide.


Increasing Numbers of Dental Fluorosis

Since the 1980s, studies have shown that both adults and children are often consuming fluoride beyond recommended limits, leading to a rise in dental fluorosis, an early sign of fluoride toxicity. In 1991, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) found significant variations in fluoride intake just from water consumption. The European Union's recent review indicates that young children in areas with water fluoridation above 0.8 ppm, especially if using fluoride toothpaste, are likely to consume fluoride beyond safe levels. Furthermore, estimates might need to be higher since they often only consider ingestion from food and drinks in non-fluoridated areas. One study even showed that just drinking five cups of certain tea brands daily can lead adults to consume excessive fluoride, especially if the water used is fluoridated.


Is Fluoride Just a Cheap Way for Companies to Greenwash Toxic Waste?

Fluoride is often a toxic byproduct of aluminum, fertilizer, and iron ore production. It is no essential nutrient and in fact competes with calcium and magnesium, reducing bone and teeth strength. Its introduction into public water supplies in Grand Rapids, USA, in 1945 aimed to prevent dental cavities. However, the practice remains debated. Studies suggest fluoride can pose health risks with limited benefits for dental care. Many argue for reevaluating the global use of water fluoridation and for stricter industrial regulations to prevent fluoride release. Introduced in the 1950s, artificial water fluoridation involves adding fluoride to public water to prevent caries in the mouth. Additionally, fluoride is used in various industries, including uranium production, plastics, and refrigeration.


Current Fluoride Consumption Trends

Only 5% of the global population, or 350 million people, consume artificially fluoridated water. Just eight countries, including the USA and Australia, fluoridate more than half of their water supply. However, in the last 20 years, many places in countries like Canada and the USA have stopped this practice. While fluoridation has been promoted as safe and effective, with its main benefit being the prevention of tooth decay, recent studies challenge this. Fluoride strengthens teeth by forming a more acid-resistant coating, but this benefit depends on the tooth's calcium and magnesium content. Some young people with low calcium and magnesium in their teeth might even become more prone to cavities when exposed to fluoride. Evidence suggests that fluoridated and non-fluoridated water doesn't make a difference in tooth decay rates among children. Although major health organizations endorse fluoridation, a European review deemed it a basically ineffective and potentially harmful treatment, raising questions about its global application.

Heavy Metals 

In trace amounts, certain metals are essential for maintaining optimal health. However, in excessive quantities, they can become hazardous or lethal. Overexposure to heavy metals can deplete energy and impair critical organs such as the brain, lungs, kidneys, liver, and blood. Continuous exposure can lead to degenerative physical, muscular, and neurological processes that mimic conditions like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and muscular dystrophy. Prolonged and repeated exposure to some metals and their compounds might also increase the risk of cancer.

The most commonly found heavy metals in wastewater include arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, and zinc, all of which cause risks to human health and the environment.


Overdose of aluminum provides oxidative stress in the brain, liver, and kidney. Aluminium can replace essential elements in humans, like Mg²⁺ and Fe³⁺, leading to disruptions in cell communication, growth, and secretion processes. The damage aluminum causes to neurons resembles the harmful changes seen in Alzheimer's patients. 


Addicted Because of Aluminium?

Notably, aluminum toxicity can result in brain issues, particularly affecting areas like the locus coeruleus, a small brain part deep within the brainstem that widely distributes the neurotransmitter called noradrenaline. This brain chemical is crucial for controlling alertness, focus, cognitive abilities, and responses to stress. The substantia nigra, a central part of the midbrain that influences movement and reward behaviors, working within the basal ganglia network, is also affected by aluminum and can lead to less self-control and more addictive behaviors like gambling or drug addictions.

The final part of the basal ganglia is the striatum which plays a role in motor control, emotion, reward, and habit formation, influencing decision-making functions and related to addictive behaviors and many more.

The effects of alloy on the brain are not limited to these parts and will do damage throughout the brain.


Aluminum Should Not Be Used With Acids, Particularly Aluminum Foil

Aluminum is the third most common element in the earth's crust and naturally exists in air, water, and soil. However, mining and processing increase their environmental levels. Research shows that high aluminum levels can harm humans, animals, and plants. The metal's toxicity is influenced by factors like water pH, with higher toxicity at lower pH levels. Acid rain and increased atmospheric acidification can release more toxic aluminum ions, affecting forests, plants, and aquatic life. High aluminum concentrations are particularly harmful to aquatic animals like fish, as it disrupts their gill function and ion uptake. Despite having no biological purpose, aluminum can inhibit enzymes, interact with DNA and RNA, and disrupt metabolic pathways in organisms. It can negatively impact the nervous system and bone formation and has been linked to various health concerns.


Prolonged exposure to arsenic in drinking water and food can lead to cancer, skin problems, heart issues, and diabetes. Exposure during pregnancy and early childhood can affect brain development and result in higher mortality rates among young adults.


Slower than Others because of Arsenic

Chronic exposure to arsenic can lead to skin conditions, a heightened risk for specific cancers, and nerve damage. Moreover, studies have shown that children and teenagers exposed to arsenic may experience challenges with attention, working memory, verbal understanding, and reasoning. Such cognitive deficits can potentially result in a reduced IQ and indicate a broader cognitive disruption.


Highly Toxic and Cancerous

Arsenic is a significant heavy metal that is concerning for both the environment and human health. It can exist in various forms and is highly toxic and cancer-causing. Arsenic can be found in water due to the use of certain pesticides, natural minerals, or the improper disposal of chemicals. It primarily harms cells by disrupting their normal functions, including cell respiration and growth.



Lead exposure has been found to cause a range of harmful effects across various bodily systems. Specifically, it can impact a child's brain development, leading to lower IQ, shorter attention spans, increased antisocial actions, and diminished academic achievements. Additionally, lead can cause conditions like anemia, high blood pressure, kidney issues, immune system disruptions, and harm to reproductive organs. It's believed that the neurological and behavioral consequences of lead exposure are permanent.


Lead Interupting Calcium and Magnesium Metabolism

Lead toxicity primarily happens because lead ions can replace other essential ions in the body, like calcium and magnesium. This replacement disrupts normal cell functions, affecting processes like cell signaling, enzyme regulation, and memory storage. Even in minimal amounts, lead can interfere with protein functions that regulate brain activity.


Historical Pollution World Wide

Lead is a very toxic metal that has caused pollution and health issues globally. It's found in many sources like gasoline, paint, toys, and batteries. In the US, large amounts of lead are released from vehicle exhausts, which can end up in plants, soil, and water. This means people can be exposed to lead through food and water. Unlike other metals, lead has no beneficial role in our bodies. In plants, high lead levels can damage membranes and disrupt photosynthesis, slowing growth. Lead harms cells by creating stress and damaging their normal functions.


Exposure to high levels of mercury can harm the brain, leading to mood swings, tiredness, shaking, headaches, hearing problems, difficulty speaking, lack of coordination, hallucinations, and even death. Additionally, mercury can increase blood pressure, which affects heart health and can change the way blood vessels function.y acids might also protect the developing brain from the harmful effects of mercury.


Are You Weak because of Mercury?

Mercury toxicity primarily targets the brain, but it can also damage other organs, impacting the function of nerves, kidneys, and muscles. It can disrupt cell membrane stability and interfere with the balance of calcium within cells.New studies from the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) suggest that exposure may disrupt the early development of connections between muscles and the brain, potentially leading to motor control issues later in life.


Natural Protection Against Mercury

Residents of the Seychelles Islands mainly consume ocean fish, resulting in higher mercury exposure than in the U.S. and Europe.

The Seychelles Child Development Study, an international consortium, has shown that fatty acids in fish can enhance developmental and educational outcomes despite about 10 times greater mercury exposure.

These fatty acids might also protect the developing brain from the harmful effects of mercury.


Attack On The Intelligence

Methylmercury is a harmful compound known to damage nerve cells, disrupt cellular structures and cause an imbalance of essential molecules in the brain. Every year, about 2,200 metric tons of mercury are released into the environment. Worryingly, studies from both the Environmental Protection Agency and the National Academy of Science suggest nearly 10% of American women have mercury levels that could result in neurological issues for their offspring. In animal studies, exposure to high mercury levels has led to significant neurological and behavioral disturbances. For instance, rabbits exposed to elevated mercury levels exhibited severe cell damage and brain tissue decay.



Prolonged and repeated exposure to cadmium in humans can harm multiple organs, such as the kidneys, liver, and bones. Additionally, various studies have shown that cadmium can negatively affect the brain. It can enter the brain from the bloodstream and trigger harmful processes like inflammation, oxidative stress, and neuron cell death.


Iron Deficiency and More

The exact process of cadmium toxicity is not fully known, but its harmful effects on cells have been identified. When cadmium binds to certain proteins, its concentration can increase significantly, leading to liver damage. This complex then moves to the kidneys, causing further harm. Cadmium can also bind to specific components in the body, potentially causing iron deficiency. Moreover, since cadmium and zinc have similar properties, cadmium can replace zinc in certain proteins, preventing them from protecting cells against damage.


Contaminated Fruits and Vegetables

Studies indicate that in China, over 11,000 hectares are polluted by cadmium, with an estimated 680 tons released into the environment annually. Both China and Japan have higher environmental exposure to cadmium than other countries. Cadmium is often found in fruits and vegetables because it easily transfers from soil to plants. This nonessential and highly toxic metal harms cells' enzyme systems, causes oxidative stress, and leads to nutritional deficiencies in plants.


Side Effects of Electro Vehicles and Smartphones

Cadmium ranked as the seventh most toxic heavy metal, is mainly a by-product of zinc production. Humans and animals can be exposed to it both at work and in the environment. Once ingested, cadmium stays in the body for a long time. Initially used as a tin substitute and in paints, it's now primarily used in batteries and also found in tobacco smoke. Most cadmium is used in batteries, while the rest is used in coatings, pigments, and plastics. Exposure to cadmium can occur through breathing it in or consuming it, leading to both short and long-term health issues. Cadmium can stay in soils for decades, with plants absorbing and concentrating it over time, eventually making its way to humans. In the US, over 500,000 workers are exposed to cadmium annually.



Exposure to chromium can lead to respiratory complications, including airway irritation and potential respiratory cancers. Contact with the skin can cause irritations and allergic reactions, with extreme cases resulting in ulcers. Internally, chromium exposure can harm the liver, leading to cell derangement and potential necrosis. In the kidneys, it primarily affects the tubules, with severe exposure causing acute renal failure. In the gastrointestinal system, chromium can cause ulcers and, in certain cases, hemorrhage. It can also result in cardiovascular complications, including the potential for cardiopulmonary arrest after ingestion. Hematologically, it may lead to conditions such as anemia and thrombocytopenia. Reproductive risks tied to chromium include potential spontaneous abortions. The genotoxic effects of chromium involve its binding to DNA, causing various types of DNA damage and chromosome aberrations.


Wide Spectrum of Symptoms

Chronic chromium exposure can lead to kidney damage, respiratory irritation, nose irritation and damage, skin irritation, upper abdominal pain, liver damage, occupational asthma, pulmonary congestion and edema, perforated eardrums, respiratory cancer, eye irritation and damage, and erosion.


Groundwater Chromium Levels 2000 Times Above Safe Limits

Chromium is a naturally occurring element that is released into the environment from various sources, including the burning of oil and coal and through certain industrial processes like metallurgy, electroplating, and tanning. While some chromium release is natural, human activities such as modern agriculture and industrial waste disposal have significantly increased their levels in the environment. For instance, tanneries release a high amount of chromium, and in 1975, Tokyo experienced groundwater contamination with chromium levels 2,000 times above the safe limit. Excessive chromium in the environment can pollute soil and water, affecting plant growth and entering the food chain. This poses concerns for both ecological health and human consumption.



Iron overload can be seen in older people and in those with neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's (AD) and Parkinson's (PD). Patients with AD struggle with memory and learning, while those with PD often forget things. Both diseases can lead to depression, anxiety, and sleep problems, likely due to iron buildup in the brain affecting neural circuits.


Depression Caused by Excess Iron?

Psychosocial issues, such as stress, anxiety, and depression, can also be influenced by iron. This metal impacts neurotransmitter levels, affecting cognition and behavior. In conditions like stress-induced depression, the brain's iron regulation gets disrupted, emphasizing the role of iron in mood and anxiety disorders.


Oxidative Stress In Cells

Excess iron in the body can lead to the formation of harmful free radicals. When this iron isn't properly bound to proteins, it can negatively impact cells and biological fluids. High levels of unbound iron can damage the gastrointestinal tract and enter critical organs like the heart, liver, and brain. This excess iron disrupts normal cell processes, increases acidity in the body, and can damage cellular structures like mitochondria. Furthermore, the free iron can cause lipid peroxidation, harming various cell components. This iron-induced damage affects cellular mechanisms and can result in tissue harm. Overconsumption of iron generates free radicals that can damage DNA, potentially leading to mutations, diseases, and even cancer.


Excess Iron In The Water From Mining Activities

Iron is essential for the growth and survival of most living organisms, playing a key role in various biological processes. It is crucial for enzymes, oxygen transport proteins, and certain algae. The ability of iron to switch between its ferrous (Fe²⁺) and ferric (Fe³⁺) states makes it vital for biological redox reactions. However, excessive iron in surface water, often from mining activities, can be harmful. This excess iron, especially from the oxidation of iron pyrites found in coal, can lead to environmental issues. In places like Lithuania, many have consumed water with iron levels exceeding EU standards. High iron levels can harm aquatic life, affecting species diversity and causing respiratory issues for fish. Additionally, elevated iron concentrations can hinder the growth of aquatic plants, including rice.


Knowing is Half the Battle

There are 35 metals, including 23 heavy metals like uranium (U), indium (In), thallium (Tl), vanadium(V), and bismuth (Bi), that can pose health risks from exposure. While these metals naturally exist in our environment and diet in trace amounts, some are beneficial in small amounts, but all are harmful in excess. Overexposure can harm major organs, lower energy, and mimic diseases like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Some metals might even cause cancer with prolonged exposure. Given the risks, understanding these metals is crucial to prevent harmful contact.


Filtering removes pollutants, making water safer to drink. It also reduces exposure to toxins, provides a sustainable solution with less plastic waste, and is more convenient. Increases intelligence and fitness while decreasing sickness and illness. Research shows that consumers of regular filtered water experience better overall health and mental well-being.

The concept of using osmosis technology to filter water dates back centuries - Jean-Antoine Nollet proposed it in 1748. My deep regret over drinking bottled water for so long instead of using an osmosis filter proves the importance of water sustainability.

The Long-Term Environmental Impacts: Comparing Regular Consumption of Filtered vs. Bottled Water.

Comparing the long-term environmental impacts of filtered and bottled water shows that choosing an osmosis filter has great benefits. Way less plastic waste, minimal transportation needs, supporting the local water cycle, and no greenwashing taxes. See the table for a comparison:


Filtered Water

Bottled Water

Plastic Waste

Way Less

Up to 1000 Plastic Bottles + 1000 Caps + 1000 Cap Ring + 1000 Label foil per Person per Year



From the Other Side of the Planet, over 200 Gallon (750 Liter) per Person per Year

Local Water Cycle


Destroying Water Bodies and Cycles World Wide

Greenwashing Tax

Not Applicable

May be Applied 100 Fold and More

Filtered water reduces plastic waste and needs less transportation, contributing to lower emissions and energy consumption. Supporting the local water cycle helps conserve natural resources, reducing our ecological footprint and making a positive impact.

Tap water may have a smaller carbon footprint, but we can run away from our irrational fear of it and leave that kind of footprint.

Local Water Sources vs. Bottled Water: Evaluating the Carbon Footprint.

Local water sources and bottled water have different environmental impacts. Comparing their carbon footprints is key to understanding which is more sustainable.

1 Liter (33.8oz) Bottled Water = 1.656 kg CO2

1 Liter Tap Water Locally Sourced = 0.094 kg CO2

1 Liter Osmosis Filtered Water = 0.378 kg CO2

The carbon footprint of RO desalination of seawater and brackish water requires between 0.4 to 6.7 kg CO2 per 1000 Liter. The less salt and other minerals, the less energy is required, and less water is wasted. This makes rainwater optimal for an osmosis filter, as it should mostly be mineral-free and need less water pressure to filter. You can use gravity to power the filter instead of using an electric pump. For tap water, about 1 liter of filtered water will waste 3 liters of “brackish” water.

The total carbon footprint of one 500 ml (16.9 oz) bottle of water is 828g of carbon dioxide.

Energy requirement, combined with emissions from the resulting sewage, has a significant carbon impact: 13% of electricity in the US is used for water delivery and treatment. Every cubic meter of water consumed generates 23lb (or 10.6 kg) of carbon emissions.

It's simple: local water sources have a much lower carbon footprint than bottled water. This is mainly due to the energy-intensive processes used for manufacturing, distributing, and recycling plastic bottles and heavy water.

Still, the carbon emissions aspect is not the only thing to consider. We should also think about water source depletion and pollution.

Osmosis filters can help reduce our ecological footprint. If we invest in sustainable alternatives, we can make the future healthier and greener.

Emily, an avid hiker, used to rely on plastic bottled water. But after learning about the environmental and health damage it caused, she switched to using an osmosis filter with a reusable glass bottle filled with local tap water. Now, Emily has a much lower carbon footprint and can enjoy cleaner, safer drinking water.

Marketing Tactics of Bottled Water:

Companies employ many strategies to market bottled water, such as celebrity endorsements, claims of superior hydration, product placement in popular media, and promotion of desirability and exclusivity. These tactics are designed to convince consumers that purchasing bottled water is a worthwhile investment.

However, this success comes at a cost to sustainability and consumer rights. Bottled water production uses resources like water and energy, leading to environmental degradation. Furthermore, the profit-making nature of selling this common good raises ethical questions about taking resources from people without considering their rights or access.

Throughout history, companies have used marketing to create a sense of need or desire for their products. In the case of bottled water, the industry has made it seem like a convenient and healthy alternative to tap water. This raises questions about the long-term implications of prioritizing profit over people's access to clean drinking water. Is your osmosis system playing hide and seek or just mocking your bottled water obsession?

The Global Perspective: How the Shift to Osmosis Filters Can Benefit Communities Worldwide.

The global effect of moving to osmosis filters is huge! It has many advantages for people all over the world. These include better health, access to clean water, and reduced dehydration. Also, it can lower the amount of plastic waste made daily - up to 3 bottles and caps per person.

Here is a comparison of the benefits of osmosis filters and bottled water:


Osmosis Filters

Bottled Water

Improved Health


Access to Clean Water


Reduced Dehydration


Less Plastic Waste


Moreover, osmosis filters can offer lasting help to communities - giving them reliable access to clean drinking water. This means no more reliance on single-use plastic bottles. This is great for the planet!

Make a wise decision now - switch to osmosis filters for better health and a healthier environment. You don't want to miss out on this awesome movement. Osmosis filters are growing in popularity and are set to become the future of drinking water. Bottled water will become a thing of the past, like a wilted houseplant.

The Future of Drinking Water: Innovations Beyond Simple Osmosis and the Decline of Bottled Water.

The future of drinking water lies in advancements beyond osmosis and a decrease in bottled water. Solar-powered water evaporation in greenhouses to catch the watersteam can filter solids from liquids, resulting in the removal of dirt, salt, minerals, and many contaminants. Cooling units to extract water out of the air are just a few examples of innovations being used to evaporate contaminated wastewater into usable water. These methods can also utilize heat from production processes for evaporation, making them even more sustainable.

5 Key Points:

  1. Sustainable Solutions: Renewable energy sources, like solar power, are driving the development of filtration systems that provide clean drinking water.
  2. Waste Water Management: Technologies treat waste water through evaporation, reducing contamination and preventing compounds from entering natural water sources.
  3. Integrated Systems: Combining solar-powered filters with greenhouses and cooling units can enhance efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  4. Accessibility & Affordability: Technologies are being developed to make clean water accessible at an affordable price.
  5. Environmental Impact: Eco-friendly approaches reduce the pollution from plastic bottles, leading to a cleaner future.

To ensure the effectiveness of these solutions, it is important to encourage further research and investment. Governments, organizations, and individuals should prioritize supporting initiatives that promote the adoption of sustainable drinking water technologies. Working together, we can secure a healthier, more sustainable future for all.